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Seasonal Information

Stay well this winter 

Getting ill is no fun for anyone but there are lots of things that we can all do to keep ourselves healthy and, if we do get ill, to prevent those around us catching our germs.

Protecting yourself and others against flu

The best way to help avoid getting flu is by having a vaccination. This will give you direct protection and makes it less likely that you will spread flu to family, friends, colleagues and the people with work with.

There are a number of measures we can take to prevent or minimise the spread of flu at work.

  1. Make sure you have your flu vaccination early on in the flu season (ideally before the end of November) especially if you are in one of the NHS priority groups. Find out more on the NHS website.
  2. If you are under the weather but well enough to work and have an option to isolate yourself, either through working at home or away from other colleagues, then please discuss this with your line manager.
  3. If you are well enough to work but do not have the option to isolate yourself and are coughing and/or sneezing: Catch it, Bin it, Kill it! Use disposable tissues, dispose of them responsibly after use and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.
  4. If you are not well enough to undertake your work activities then please report in sick as per the normal HR policy

Flu can be fatal

Despite the warnings, we know that some staff are still concerned about having the flu jab. 

You can find out more about flu vaccination on the NHS website.

You can also find out more about flu on the GOV.UK website.

Stop spreading germs!

Stop the spread of germs by following the 'Catch It. Bin It. Kill It' guidance offered by Public Health England:

  • use tissues to trap germs when you cough or sneeze
  • bin used tissues as quickly as possible
  • wash your hands often with warm water and soap.

Washing your hands should take as long as singing "Happy Birthday" twice (around 20 seconds), and we should wash our hands:

  • after using the toilet
  • after handling raw foods like chicken, meat and vegetables
  • before eating or handling ready to eat food.

When to stay at home

If you get the flu, please consider the health of your colleagues and customers, and do not come into work until you are feeling better.  

If homeworking is an option for you, please consider working from home if you think you might still be contagious but you feel well enough to work.

Once you’re back at work, your manager will conduct a return to work meeting and will discuss whether you think there are any additional considerations needed to support your health and wellbeing.  

For more information on how to stay well in the winter visit the NHS website.