Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can affect the way your child learns.
It may affect their:
- ability to understand things
- behaviour or ability to socialise (for example they struggle to make friends)
- reading and writing (for example they may be dyslexic)
- concentration levels (for example they may have ADHD)
- physical ability
Talk to the teacher or the SEN Co-ordinator (SENCo) at your school, early years setting or college if you think your child needs:
- a special learning programme
- extra help from a teacher or assistant
- to work in a smaller group
- observation in class or at break
- help taking part in class activities
- extra encouragement in their learning, for example to ask questions or to try something they find difficult
- help communicating with other children
- support with physical or personal care difficulties, for example eating, getting around school safely
Special Provision Capital Fund
The following links are to the SEND special provision capital plan, which sets out proposals for the capital grant from 2018-2021.
Plymouth Online Directory
The Plymouth Online Directory (POD) is a directory of services that includes information for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities, families and professionals.
More information and advice is available at:
- Plymouth Information, Advice and Support for SEND (email pias@plymouth.gov.uk or call 01752 258933/0800 953 1131)
- SEND Access Early Help email: AccessEarlyHelp@plymouth.gov.uk
Education, Health and Care Plans
If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan we can provide advice and information about:
- Education, Health and Care Plans
- Arrangements for school admissions
- Special schools or specialist educational provision
Email senadmin@plymouth.gov.uk or call 01752 307409 for more information.
Moving to Plymouth
If you're moving to Plymouth and your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan of special educational needs (or is currently undergoing assessment) email senadmin@plymouth.gov.uk or call 01752 307409 to discuss arrangements with us.
We'll need:
- details of your child's Education, Health and Care Plan
- the date you'll arrive in Plymouth
- your new address
- your family details
- the name and contact details of your previous local authority
If your preference is a mainstream school you need to get in touch with school admissions to discuss your child's new school. You need to tell them that your child has special educational needs and give them details about the school your child was previously attending.
If your preference is a special school we can't guarantee your child will get an equivalent school in Plymouth and this type of admission would have to go through a panel. Email senadmin@plymouth.gov.uk or call 01752 307409 to discuss the panel procedure.