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5. Next steps for Thrive Plymouth

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Looking forward to 2022, we are still facing uncertainty around COVID-19. We know that there has been a considerable impact on the health and the wellbeing of our population caused by the interventions required to manage the pandemic, as well as by the disease itself. We are now facing a time of considerable economic uncertainty, and this is likely to exacerbate inequalities.

Recovery from COVID-19, as well as ongoing response, requires our focus now, and therefore we will continue working on this.

In Spring 2022, we will launch Year 7 of Thrive Plymouth; a year to regroup, and to redouble our efforts to tackle health inequalities in the city. To take the best of what we have seen over the pandemic so far, and apply it to the wider challenges of inequality. The form that the launch takes will depend on COVID-19 to some extent and we will communicate this closer to the time.

  • We will seek to understand the impacts of the pandemic on our city and our population; as a Compassionate City, we believe there is a need to reflect on our experiences, and acknowledge what we have been through. Though there has been much trauma, we believe that there have also been some positives which we want to help the city to build on. Working with partners across culture, arts and heritage (our Year 6 focus), we want to capture some of this to create a legacy.
  • We will be looking at the previous foci of Thrive Plymouth, and assessing progress and where further action could be taken.
  • We will be getting back to basics around our four lifestyle factors; helping people to consider any changes over the pandemic, and how they might want to tackle any negative ones, and embed and celebrate any positive changes.

For Thrive Plymouth 2022, please join us to focus on Plymouth as a kind city; a city seeking to listen, connect and heal.

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