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Accidents and incidents

We have a reporting and investigating process for accidents, incidents, illnesses, dangerous occurrences, and near misses that involve employees, members of the public, service users, and any others who are affected by the Council’s activities. It is vital that lessons are learned from any incidents to prevent recurrence.

Reporting near misses gives managers the opportunity to control hazards that have the potential to cause harm before they do.

If you need to make a report please complete and return the accident, incident, and ill-health report form. All forms must arrive within eight days of the incident/accident/near miss occurring.
Please refer to the Incident Illness report form guidance documents on completing the incident form.

Investigating, in a systematic way, why incidents and accidents happen is critical to improving HSW culture and practice.

We have support and guidance documents available to all staff to assist them in completing an investigation under our Incident Investigation Performance Standard.

Anyone responsible for investigating incidents should attend the HSW Assurance team’s Accident/Incident Investigation training. 

The HSW Assurance Team analyses the data at a strategic level to look for themes and trends that may provide further insight into systemic, organisational, and management issues that need addressing.

Incident Management