The below Supplementary Planning Documents have now been replaced by the updated Plymouth and South West Devon Supplementary Planning Document (July 2020):
The Development Guidelines Supplementary Planning Document has now been replaced by the updated Plymouth and South West Devon Supplementary Planning Document (July 2020).
It was formally adopted by Full Council on 22 April 2013. Below is a list of the archived documents for information only:
Development Guidelines Supplementary Planning Document (2010)
Please note: This document was superseded by the Development Guidelines Supplementary Planning Document: First Review above.
The Development Guidelines Supplementary Planning Document was formally adopted by Full Council on 26 April 2010. Below is a list of the archived documents for information only:
Procedural documents
Evidence base
The following evidence base documents informed the Development Guidelines Supplementary Planning Document:
- Play in Plymouth: the Play Policy and Strategy for Plymouth 2007 to 2010
- Plymouth's Green Space Strategy
- Plymouth's Car Parking Strategy 2006 to 2011
The Shopping Centres Supplementary Planning Document has now been replaced by the updated Plymouth and South West Devon Supplementary Planning Document (July 2020).
The document was formally adopted by Full Council on 30 July 2012. Below is a list of the archived documents for information only:
Procedural documents
The following background reports were prepared throughout the preparation of the document:
Evidence base
The following evidence base documents were used to inform the preparation of the Shopping Centres Supplementary Planning Document:
- Local Development Scheme
- Core Strategy: Adopted
- Devonport Area Action Plan: Adopted
- North Plymstock Area Action Plan: Adopted
- Central Park Area Action Plan: Adopted
- Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan: Pre-submission
- City Centre and University Area Action Plan: Adopted
- Plymouth Shopping Study
- First Deposit Local Plan
- Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessments
- Derriford and Seaton Proposed New District Shopping Centre Report
- Plymouth District and Local Shopping Centres Study
- Plymouth Retail and Centres Study
The Sustainable Design Supplementary Planning Document has now been replaced by the updated Plymouth and South West Devon Supplementary Planning Document (July 2020).
The documents was formally adopted by Full Council on 6 July 2009. Below is a list of the archived documents for information only:
Procedural documents
Evidence base
Registered Parks and Gardens Factsheet
Listed Building and Scheduled Ancient Monuments Factsheet
The Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document has now been replaced by the updated Plymouth and South West Devon Supplementary Planning Document (July 2020).
Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document Second Review (2012)
The Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document Second Review (2012) provides guidance on how planning obligations will be negotiated in practice. It also sets out the justification for, and definition of affordable housing, including local affordability levels for market and rented property.
It anticipates that negotiations will take place in relation to:
- Prescribing the nature of development (for example, in relation to the need for affordable housing)
- Compensating for some loss or damage caused by the development
- Securing a commuted maintenance sum for a facility the developer would like us to adopt
- Mitigating the impacts of development on infrastructure, either through the direct provision of, or through a financial contribution to improvements (Planning Obligations Evidence Base Document (update January 2012) sets out standard charges and formulae to assist in the calculation of financial contributions), these are referred to as 'infrastructure contributions'
Each planning obligation is negotiated on a case-by-case basis.
The document sets out thresholds below which infrastructure contributions through planning obligations will not normally be sought. These thresholds will take effect when the Council's Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) becomes operational (estimated April 2013). This is in response to Regulation 123 of the CIL Regulations, which will restrict the pooling of contributions from a maximum of five planning obligations for any infrastructure project. The thresholds establish the principle that it is larger schemes that generate greater value which will be most suitable when it comes to seeking pooled contributions.
However, there will be exceptions to this general rule, based upon the individual circumstances of the case. For example, an infrastructure contribution may be sought from a development which falls below these thresholds where it will have an otherwise unacceptable impact on a neighbourhood facility such as a primary school or play provision, and the characteristics of that neighbourhood are such that larger development proposals above the thresholds are unlikely to come forward.
Information on the city's infrastructure needs is published in the Infrastructure Needs Assessment. More detailed reports on infrastructure requirements are also available on request from individual service providers. For more information email planningpolicy
The document was formally adopted by Full Council on 30 July 2012. You can view the document and the adoption statement below:
Procedural documents
Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document First Review (2010)
The Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document First Review (2010) provides guidance on how planning obligations will be negotiated in practice. It also sets out the justification for, and definition of affordable housing, including local affordability levels for market and rented property.
Please note: This document has now been superseded, for the most recent version please see Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document Second Review (2012) above.
Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (2008)
At its meeting on 1 December 2008, the Council resolved to adopt the Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document, which will came into effect from 1 January 2009.
The document, adoption statement and the statement of consultation (Reg 18(4)(B)) can be viewed below:
Please note: This document has now been superseded, for the most recent version please see Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document Second Review (2012) above.
In response to current market conditions, and to phase in the introduction of the document, the tariff will be introduced at a reduced rate from 1 January 2009 until 31 December 2009. In addition, a reduction in affordable housing can also be applied. For full details view the Cabinet report and appendix below:
Procedural documents
Evidence base
The key evidence base documents that the Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (2008) is based on are as follows:
Plymouth Playing Pitch Strategy
Municipal Waste Management Strategy
Plymouth Housing Market and Needs Assessment
Economic Appraisal of Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing
Cost multipliers
Teachernet, Department for Education and Skills
Sport facilities calculator
Sport England
Fields in Trust
National Playing Fields Association
Tamar Estuaries Management Plan
Tamar Estuaries Consultative Forum
South West Regional Waste Strategy
South West Regional Assembly
The following document is also part of the evidence base but is only available in paper form. If you require a copy of this document please email [email protected].
- Watersports and Leisure Participation Survey (British Marine Federation, Coastguard Agency, Royal National Lifeboat Institute, Royal Yachting Association)
Evidence base
All development potentially has some impact on the environment and/or infrastructure and services. However, not all of these impacts are of such a nature or level of significance that they require mitigation through planning obligations.
It's important to ensure that planning obligations are negotiated on the basis of evidence of impacts and the cost of mitigating these impacts.
The Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document Second Review (2012) was adopted July 2012, the evidence of need is summarised in the evidence base documents below. This evidence informed, in particular the broad distribution of infrastructure capacity throughout the city and the potential cost of mitigating development impacts per unit of development.
This document provides the justification for the policy framework currently in place, but it is not intended to be used to apply a generalised approach to the negotiation of planning obligations. Instead the Council will negotiate each planning obligation on a case by case basis, having regard to particular impacts of the development and the most up-to-date evidence of infrastructure capacity available at the time.
Updates to the evidence on infrastructure capacity within the city will be published below, as and when they become available. However, this won't necessarily be comprehensive and should not be considered as an alternative to engaging with us through our development enquiry service.
This evidence base document has been produced to accompany the Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document Second Review (2012). It presents a high level summary of the evidence relating to infrastructure capacity as well as identifying, where possible, formulae that enable the cost of the impact of development on infrastructure per unit of development to be estimated. The document is intended as an aid to the negotiation of planning obligations.
The key evidence base documents that the Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document 2012 is based on are as follows:
- Core Strategy: Adopted
- Local Development Scheme
- Plymouth Infrastructure Needs Assessment
- A New Affordable Rent Model
- Playing Pitch Strategy
- Local Transport Plan
- Strategic Housing Market and Needs Assessment
- Sports Facilities Strategy