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How we help the environment


We're committed to recycling and have been for more than fifteen years!

100 per cent of our green waste is recycled, this includes leaf collection from parks and highways. Timber that is too large to be chipped is sold to a local merchant to be used as firewood.

All our wildflower meadow grass is baled in October and is traded to local farmers to use for silage and winter feed.

All our chainsaws are maintained using biodegradable oil.

We use recycled plastic for seating, decking and bridges where appropriate. Recycling bins have been installed in West Hoe Park, Devonport Park, Freedom Fields Park and Hoe Park.

Enhancing biodiversity

We create and manage wildflower meadow areas. These are excellent habitat for bees and insects and bat foraging areas. The meadows are only cut once a year and the grass removed. This starves the soil of nutrients which helps the meadow grass and flowers grow better the following year.

We put up bird and bat boxes wherever possible and remove invasive species in ponds and waterways to enable native species to flourish and create open water areas for insects and amphibians.

Where possible, we leave dead trees standing and cut wood is left in piles to create habitats for insects, birds and small mammals.

All our Local Nature Reserves have management plans which aim to enhance opportunities for environmental biodiversity.

Energy efficencies

All the sports changing rooms in our parks are all fitted with motion sensors to reduce electric use and showers are push buttons to reduce water wastage.