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Licensing policies and guidance

Statement of Licensing Policy

1 April 2024 to 31 March 2029

The Licensing Act 2003 requires that we must prepare and publish a statement of licensing policy every 5 years.  The published policy then provides the framework for all decisions on applications relating to the Licensing Act 2003 and the way we carry out our functions in relation to the legislation.  The policy is also intended to provide advice and guidance to anyone that may be involved in the licensing application process from applicants and licence holders to responsible authorities and members of the public who wish to make a representation about an application.

The policy was adopted by Full Council on 29 January 2024, following a public consultation and is effective from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2029.

Licensing policy

Cumulative Impact Assessment 2022 - 2025

Since April 2018, the new section 5A Licensing Act 2003 formalises Cumulative Impact Assessments and these must be reviewed every three years. If during any review it is clear that the original concerns regarding crime and disorder and public nuisance are no longer present the cumulative impact policy may be amended or removed.

This assessment is to be read in conjunction with the Statement of Licensing Policy (2019 - 2024).

Cumulative impact means the potential impact that a significant number of licensed premises in one area can have based on the following four licensing objectives.

  • Prevention of crime and disorder
  • Prevention of public nuisance
  • Public safety
  • Protection of children from harm.

There are six designated cumulative impact areas within Plymouth:


North Hill



Union Street

City Centre

When an applicant applies for a premises licence a number of bodies such as the Police, Environmental Health, Fire Authority and local residents can raise any concerns they have about the application.

Where a cumulative impact policy is in place the applicant will also have to show that they will not add to the existing problems in the area. This does not mean that no further licences can be granted.

If no concerns are raised the licence will be granted subject to any conditions required by the law or which are given as part of the application.

The policy does not allow the Council to withdraw or cut-back licences it has already issued or to impose quotas that would prevent an application being considered.

If we receive any concerns about an application, the application will be considered by the Licensing Sub-Committee. If the applicant can show their premises will not negatively impact on cumulative impact within the area, the application is likely to be granted.

Other policies and guidance

Operating schedule

Personal licence guidance