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Plymouth's Food Poverty Alliance

Plymouth's Food Poverty Alliance and Our City's Summer of Action

Food Power is a national campaign run by Sustain and Church Action on Poverty. It aims to strengthen local communities' ability to reduce food poverty through solutions developed by them with the support of their peers from across the UK. As part of this programme, in September 2017 Plymouth set up a local 'Food Poverty Alliance' to coordinate the development of a 'Food Poverty Action Plan' for the city. This plan will be co-created using a series of interactive consultation workshops with those individuals and communities experiencing food poverty across the city. Our alliance partners will act as 'gatekeepers' to reach relevant communities for these consultations. In this manner our action plan can then be tailored specifically to the needs of our local communities.

Recognising the impact of food insecurity, household income and the potential effects of school holidays for families entitles to free school meals throughout the school terms, Ed's Big Summer Food Tour and Lunch at the Library (in partnership with the Library Service) aims to support families with access to freshly prepared lunches and free fun activities across a range of outdoor spaces and within libraries to support learning, reading through the Summer Reading Challenge and other interactions.

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