You have to apply for approval for any works to a tree protected by a tree preservation order or if you live in a conservation area you have to give six weeks' notice.
If a tree or branch is immediately dangerous and could cause harm then you can carry out minimum work to make it safe without the need to make an application.
How to apply
The quickest and easiest way to apply to work on a protected tree is on the Planning Portal.
Apply to work on a protected tree
Our application forms are also available to print from the Planning Portal. Select 'Plymouth City Council' as the planning authority, choose your application type, print out the application form and return it to Planning Department, Ballard House, West Hoe Road, Plymouth, PL1 3BJ along with the following information:
- a sketch plan showing the location of all trees
- a full and clear specification of the works to be carried out
- a statement of reasons for the proposed work
- any evidence to support your statement of reasons
The process takes approximately eight weeks from the receipt of your application until a decision is made.
See our weekly list of tree applications for tree works submitted for approval.