The city’s buildings continue to be the greatest producers of emissions - and though the trend for emissions is a reduction, there is a huge way to go to reach net zero.
Additional funding is vital as the scale of retrofits required for both domestic and public sector buildings in the city needs to increase to meet the 2030 target.
2.2 - Improve the energy efficiency of 300 homes by installing carbon efficiency measures.
2.2 - Improve the energy efficiency of housing in the city through the rigorous use of housing enforcement powers including the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards policy.
2.3 - Implement the Plymouth Flood Defence Strategy.
2.4 - Secure planning permission for the Plan for Homes Flagship Energiesprong low carbon housing development on land at Kings Tamerton and make a start on site infrastructure.
2.5 - Promote the Green Homes Grant to empty home owners and continue to align with Plan for Homes Empty Homes Programme.
2.6 - Promote the Green Homes Grant to landlords, agents and partners in the private rented sector including landlords and agents of licensed Houses in Multiple Occupation.
2.7 - Campaign with the Local Government Association (LGA), Key Cities and other professional bodies to bring forward the date of the Futures Homes Standards from 2025.
2.8 - Ringfence funding support for low carbon housing within Plan for Homes 3.
2.9 - Identify and support the most appropriate campaign related to VAT reduction on refurbishment, repair and maintenance to be cut to match the typical rate for new-build.
2.10 - Submit bid to phase 2 of the Green Homes Grant to include social housing retrofit.
2.11 - Create Climate Emergency award categories within the Abercrombie Awards to showcase carbon efficient building schemes.
2.12 - Explore mortgages for sustainable energy with South West Mutual.
2.13 - Engage with the construction sector on developing skills for the Green Economy through up-skilling their existing workforce, promoting green jobs and career opportunities to young people and adults looking to retrain and up-skill, and influence local training providers to align their curriculum by including new green apprenticeships.