The role of engagement in meeting our Climate Emergency ambitions is huge and should not be underestimated. The only way we can achieve our target is by working collaboratively and sharing responsibility.
This sentiment is clearly reflected in the diversity and range of actions that are set for 2021, from tree planting to creating offsetting funds.
2.60 - Implement a climate emergency communications campaign to support a step change in behaviours, in partnership with the Plymouth Net Zero Partnership.
2.61 - Develop a programme for establishing Climate Change Ambassadors across the whole of Plymouth.
2.62 - Engage with the Youth Parliament to ensure that the voice of children and young people is heard in relation to the climate emergency.
2.63 - Organise an annual Climate Emergency Summit for Young People.
2.64 - Organise a themed day at Plymouth Libraries on the topic of climate change.
2.65 - Reconnect residents, schools and local enterprises with Plymouth's natural environments to support climate change initiatives through the Green Minds Programme.
2.66 - Bring forward nature-based solutions through initiating a programme of investment in sustainable urban drainage and rewilding projects supported by the Green Minds Programme.
2.67 - Remove plastic pollution from source to sea, raise awareness of the impact of single use plastics and develop joined up ways to reduce our plastic footprint on the marine environment through the Preventing Plastic Pollution Programme.
2.68 - Identify areas for large scale restoration of seagrass beds which store significant amounts of carbon from the atmosphere, helping mitigate climate change impacts and raising awareness through the ReMEDIEs project.
2.69 - Continue to support community-based initiatives through the Climate Change Challenge Fund to encourage local leadership to take action to support the Climate Emergency.
2.70 - During 2021 plant over 1,000 trees and complete the Tree Planting Programme for 2022 as part of the Plymouth Tree Challenge.
2.71 - Further develop plans for the Plymouth Community Forest to create around 1,000 hectares of new woodland planting by consulting key stakeholders and beginning preparation of a Sustainable Investment and Funding Business Plan.
2.72 - Promote a car-free day across Plymouth.
2.73 - Deliver an anti-idling campaign (including enforcement) outside schools.
2.74 - Through Plymotion, provide personalised travel planning support to Plymouth residents to identify the best walking and cycling routes.
2.75 - Encourage and enable pedestrians, new and returning cyclists (adults and children) by implementing the Council's Active Travel Fund programme and delivering the Council's Plymotion behavioural change programme.
2.76 - Actively support community transport providers to expand the range of services they offer; and look for more commercial opportunities.
2.77 - Work in collaboration with Peninsula Transport, South Hams and West Devon to embed consideration of the Climate Emergency into the development of sustainable transport projects.
2.78 - Work with the Inclusive Growth Group of the Plymouth Growth Board to publish the Resurgam Charter, and deliver on its commitment to encourage and support businesses to respond proactively to the Climate Emergency.
2.79 - Encourage Plymouth businesses to seek 'Green tourism' accreditation by promoting good practice and supporting funding bids where possible.
2.80 - Encourage partner organisations to adopt and align social value procurement policies and ensure carbon reduction is duly considered in their procurement initiatives.
2.81 - Publish and launch our Action Plan for Green Skills.
2.82 - Develop Plymouth’s first carbon offsetting pilot.
2.83 - Continue to raise Plymouth’s priorities for government action on climate change through the Local Government Association (LGA) Environment, Economy, Housing and Transport Board.
2.84 - Continue to raise our priorities for government action on climate change where relevant through the quarterly meetings of the South West Association of Directors of the Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport (ADEPT) and feed into the ADEPT leadership team at a national level via the South West chair.
2.85 - Support the University of Plymouth's Reconstructed Soils from Waste project.
2.86 - Continue the programme of Climate Conversations to bring together key stakeholders from across Plymouth to review strategic options for delivering Net Zero by 2030.
2.87 - Continue to raise awareness of climate change issues by supporting the Future Plymouth 2030 conference programme in partnership with Royal Institute of British Architects.
2.88 - Continue to work with other councils with similar ambitions on climate change, sharing good practice.
2.89 - Continue to lobby government to change laws, taxation and investment in infrastructure to make low carbon living easier.