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Changes to premises licence


For the latest Government guidance relating to the temporary alcohol licensing provisions in the Business and Planning Act 2020, please visit the Government website. These new provisions may make it unnecessary for you to need to vary your premises licence.

If you want to make changes to your premises licence then it's likely that you'll need to apply for a variation.  There are two types of variation application, a full variation or a minor variation. 

If the changes are low impact and do not affect the licensing objectives then you can apply for a minor variation.  For example, if you want to make:

  • small changes to the structure or layout of a premises;
  • the addition of authorisation for late night refreshment or entertainment (such as performance of plays or film exhibitions);
  • small changes to licensing hours (but see below on changes that relate to alcohol);
  • revisions, removals and additions of conditions (this could include the removal or amendment of out of date, irrelevant or unenforceable conditions, or the addition of volunteered conditions).

If the changes could impact on the licensing objectives then you must apply for a full variation.  For example, if you want to:

  • extend the opening hours of the premises
  • make major changes to the premises or change the layout of the bar area
  • add the sale by retail of alcohol
  • authorise the sale of alcohol between 11pm and 7am or
  • increase the number of hours that alcohol may be sold on any day

If the changes are small and do not impact the licensing objectives then you can apply for a minor variation.

Please be aware that if you are planning on making significant changes to your premises or if you are changing the nature of your business you may need to apply for a new premises licence.

Only the premises licence holder or their agent can apply for a variation.

If you're not sure what type of application to apply for then please email us at for advice.

Full variation

Change the layout of the licence, to provide additional licensable activities, to increase times licensable activities provided and adding, removing or changing conditions of the licence.

Apply to vary a premises licence

Minor variation

Small changes, including removing a licensable activity, reducing the hours you sell alcohol, Removing, replacing or amending certain conditions or making small changes to the layout of your premises that will not have an adverse impact on the licensing objectives.

Apply for a minor variation to a premises or club licence

Transfer of premises licence

A transfer application must be made immediately if the premises licence holder changes.

You will need to transfer the licence into your name before you can operate.

You can ask for a transfer application to have immediate effect so that you can start operating the business as soon as we receive your application. 

There will however be 14 days (from the day after we receive the application) in which the Police or the Home Office (Immigration Enforcement) can make a representation.

If no representation is received, your application will be granted and you will receive your licence.  If a representation is received we will contact you about this.

The new licence holder or holders will need to apply to transfer the licence. The existing licence holder will need to give their consent to the transfer by signing the below consent form. This will need to be uploaded with your application.

Transfer consent form

Apply to transfer premises licence

Vary a premises licence to specify someone as a designated premises supervisor (DPS)

All premises making any retail sale of alcohol has to specify an individual who will take responsibility for the day to day control and authorise other staff members to sell alcohol.

Whoever holds this role will be named on the licence and will need to be named on any application and give their consent.

If there is no DPS specified on the licence, no alcohol can be sold.

The application must be made by the existing Licence holder or their agent and will need to be accompanied by a completed consent form signed by the new designated premises supervisor.

DPS consent form

Apply to vary a DPS

Removed as a designated premises supervisor (DPS)

To remove a person as the designated premises supervisor.

Apply to be removed as a DPS

Change name or address

Change the name or address of the licence holder or designated premises supervisor.

Apply to change name or address

Interim authority notice

This application is to reinstate a licence following the lapse of a premises licence. For further details on why the licence would lapse, please refer to the Premises Section of our website.

We must receive your application within 28 consecutive days from the day following the lapse of the licence.  

You will need:

  • to know whether you want to apply as an individual, a partnership or a company
  • the date the licence lapsed
  • to scan and attach copies of documents which demonstrate the interim licence holder's right to work in the UK.  (This only applies to individual applicants or applicants who are part of a partnership).