3.1.1 - Prepare a five year rolling plan to address the retained corporate buildings in a priority order with a fabric first approach to energy saving.
3.1.2 - Develop a costed programme of air and ground source heat pumps required to decarbonise City Council buildings.
3.1.3 - Develop a Water Reduction Action Plan to achieve a 20% reduction in water use.
3.1.4 - Reduce energy consumption by minimising the temperature in all council offices following consultation with staff.
3.1.5 - Finalise a grassland management policy to maximise opportunity to manage areas for habitat to counter habitat loss and species decline.
3.1.6 - Investigate the use of City Council sites and parks for electricity storage.
3.1.7 - Implement a Sustainable Procurement Policy which specifically includes a minimum net zero certification for all City Council new development projects.