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Find the right premises

To consider: 

  • Does the school have a space suitable on site?
  • Proximity of the premises to school(s). How will you get children to the club ?
  • Is there adequate parking for parents/carers?
  • Adequate outdoor lighting?
  • Can you secure the premises long term?
  • Is the premises suitable for people with disabilities? Can adjustments be made to the property?

State of repair and decoration

What state is the property in? A good/poor state of repair and decoration (but will need some refurbishment to bring it up to the appropriate standards for a childcare facility).

Who is responsible for repair and decoration?


There is access to natural light (through windows and skylights). Windows can be opened for ventilation and appear to be in good condition?

Sole use

Would the whole of the premises would be for the sole use of the setting during the hours of operation? If shared use of a space how this would be accommodated? Consideration would have to be made on security, storage of equipment etc.


The security of the proposed childcare provision is paramount.       

A risk assessment must be carried out to consider and identify appropriate security measures. The risk assessment should identify the hazards, existing control measures and identify what further action may be required to increase the security of the childcare provision. Security options could include key pads, intercoms, door bells, vision panels, door alarms, name badges and security passes.

It must be ensured at all times that no unauthorised person can gain access to the childcare provision, and no child can leave unattended.      

Any visitors to the childcare facility should be accompanied at all times, and full details of any visits should be recorded.

Planning permission and building regulations

Providers moving into new premises or altering premises must check with Plymouth City Council planning department. As most building works or changes of use of land or buildings will require planning permission.

More information is on our planning applications page.


The temperature in the premises during working hours should be ‘reasonable’ as stated in the Workplace Regulations of 1992.  Thermometers should be available on site to ensure the temperature can be checked anywhere within the premises. Temperatures should be checked and a record kept.

There are no specific temperatures in law but a recommended temperature (for early year’s children) is between 16 and 20 degrees. The temperature has to be 'reasonable' and that depends on a number of factors, including clothing worn, the weather and activity levels.

Floor space

The minimum space requirements for Early Years Children per child are:

  • 2.3 square metres for 3-5 years old
  • there is no statutory space requirements for older children.

Areas such as dedicated staff areas, cloakrooms, utility rooms, kitchens and toilets cannot be included as available space.

The number of children you are planning to care for will be partly determined by your floor space, as you need to have sufficient space for children to play safely. All rooms must be suitable in respect to size, layout and occupancy.

Play areas

Is there adequate space for zoned play areas? Is there access to water for wet play areas?

Storage space

Is there adequate storage space for unused resources?  

Outdoor play space

Outdoor play spaces must be safe and secure.  It must be ensured that the outdoor play space cannot be overlooked by members of the public.

Providers must provide access to an outdoor play area or, if that is not possible, ensure that outdoor activities are planned and taken on a daily basis (unless circumstances make this inappropriate, for example unsafe weather conditions). Providers must follow their legal responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 (for example, the provisions on reasonable adjustments).

3.68 Early years foundation stage (EYFS) statutory framework (GOV.UK)

Toilet facilities

Accessible toilet facilities are required. Adult toilet facilities must be separate from the children’s toilet facilities. Nappy changing facilities should be visible to others, whilst maintaining the privacy of the child. Hot, running water must be available. Nappy changing units should not be sited in toilets used by adults.

Staff facilities

Is there a room available for staff to work undisturbed and have breaks?


Is there office space/parent meeting space available? This must ensure confidentiality and safe secure storage of personal data.

Kitchen facilities

The area will need to be inspected by the Environmental Regulations Department prior to registration. The kitchen area should be inaccessible to children, except when used for supervised activities.

Laundry facilities

If laundry facilities are required, they must be sited separately to the kitchen area, and be inaccessible to children.

Fire regulations

A fire risk assessment must be carried out by law under the Fire Safety Order.

Fire doors/exits must be kept clear of obstructions at all times. It is a requirement that practitioners are able to open fire exit doors in one movement.             

Fire safety equipment also needs to be considered, for examples, fire blankets and smoke alarms. Smoke alarms in particular should be sited in rooms which are not regularly used, as well as in more vulnerable areas of the property.

Fire safety: guidance for those with legal duties (GOV.UK)

Fire safety risk assessment: educational premises (GOV.UK)

Risk assessment

A full written risk assessment of the premises is required prior to registration.

Written risk assessments are required where five or more staff are employed. Risk assessments must be reviewed at least once a year or more frequently where the need arises.

The risk assessment must cover:

  • aspects of the environment that need to be checked on a regular basis, both indoors and outdoors;
  • anything with which a child may come into contact ( including online technologies)
  • risk assessments must be in place for each school collection – there may be one core risk assessment for school collections, which can be amended for each route to different schools

Any further queries or questions contact  or telephone 01752 307400.