Before/after schools care and holiday provision can be run by school, a voluntary committee or as individuals as a private business.
A voluntary committee or as individuals as a private business would usually be required to register with Ofsted. There are two registers, the Early Years Register and the Childcare Register. The Childcare Register consist of two parts, the Compulsory Childcare register and the Voluntary Childcare Register.
School managed settings will come under the registration of a school if you are offering it directly as part of your school’s activities, you employ the staff working in the wraparound childcare, and there is at least one registered pupil of the school attending.
In some circumstances you may not need to register with Ofsted to find out visit GOV.UK .
It is vital that you ensure there is demand for the provision and that the service you provide meets the needs of the local community. This can be achieved by identifying how much provision parent/carers need now and also in the future. You can also search the Family Information Directory to locate existing provisions within a specified area to see what other provisions is in your area offer.