If you're a young person with a statement of special educational need or an education, health and care plan, when you turn 18, you're legally an adult and no longer will need help from children services but from adult services instead.
To help this transition, we draw up a plan. We'll talk to you about the different options and ask you about your likes, dislikes, favourite things, strengths, talents and hopes for the future. Your parents and/or carers and some people from education and social care will be there to help you.
You'll need to start thinking about:
- Further education
- Employment
- Housing
- Health and wellbeing
- Relationships
- Getting around and being part of the community
- Year 9 - you'll be asked to think about your hopes for the future and what you want to do when you leave school, this is call your Year 9 review
- Year 10 - you'll be involved in a review of your education, career and social care plan
- Year 11 - your transition review takes place and your transition plan is agreed
- Year 12 - your annual review takes place, this will include an update on progress, any actions that need to be completed and an introduction to personal budgeting
- Year 13 - your transition and support plan, personal budget is finalised
- Age 18 - you'll transfer to adult services on your 18th birthday
If you need more information or support contact SEND Access Early Help. Email: AccessEarlyHelp@plymouth.gov.uk