Running events and activities as a group in your park may become a regular part of your groups' work. Depending on what you are doing will depend on the process you have to go through.
An activity is classed as something which only friends groups members take part in.
An event is classed as something where people outside your group (including general public) are invited to take part or are involved in any way.
If you are running an activity, independently as a group, you would need to have your Public Liability Insurance and a risk assessment in place to ensure you are all safe and covered if something happened.
More information on health and safety for friends groups.
Types of activity you may want to do as a group could include;
- Planting / gardening
- Conservation work
- Litter pick
- Park maintenance
- and much more
We have put together some documents which will help you when running activities.
- A activity checklist of things you will want to have done and in place to ensure you can run your activity safely.
- An attendance record sheet do you can ensure you have the contact details of all who attend for the Track and Trace system as well as emergancy contacts should you require them.
If you wanting to run an activity/event where external people or members of the public are involved or invited to attend you will need to go through the official Council events process.
This process is in place to ensure that as landowners we are happy your event can be run safely, you have written permission from us to do so and your risk assessment and insurance cover those events / activities.
All the information on running events/activities on Council land can be found here: Holding an Event on PCC land
Types of events you may wish to run could include:
- Fundrasiers for your group
- Community seasonal events - Christmas, Easter, Halloween
- Tree planting
- Community fun days
- And many more.
The web pages and application form is aimed to make it easy for your groups to put on events. If you have any questions or need some support please contact you Council lead contact.
Note - Friends Groups do not have to pay for the use of Council land for their events