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Major Road Network

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In 2018 the Department for Transport designated the route that links the A38 junctions at Marsh Mills and Weston Mill via the city centre as part of its national Major Roads Network (MRN), thereby recognising the strategic importance of this route to the country’s economy. This increases the importance and priority of this route as a primary alternative to the A38.

The Plymouth MRN route provides vital connections between the A38 and the major employment areas at the Dockyard and Naval Base at Devonport, the Oceansgate Enterprise Zone, to the Continental Ferry Port, and to the City Centre and Waterfront Growth area.


The Government wants the MRN across the country to be improved, including the section in Plymouth. Plymouth City Council is proposing a number of improvements to eastern and western parts of the route.

The current traffic flow on the MRN is understandably high, with traffic building up at peak times. The planned works would mean an almost £50m investment in Plymouth’s transport infrastructure with the aim of providing enhanced capacity for road users, greater pedestrian and cycle connectivity and protecting critical rail and road infrastructure and properties from flooding events. The works will help people travel more sustainably by bus, cycle and by foot supporting active travel in line with the Council’s Climate Emergency Action Plan.

The population of the city is expected to grow to more than 300,000 by 2034 with an expected 19,000 new homes and 16,000 new jobs. Improving the MRN will help facilitate this growth.

The proposed programme focusses on three parts of the route:

The key elements of the scheme are:

  • Junction improvements at the A38 Marsh Mills Roundabout, Camel’s Head and Ferndale Road/Carlton Terrace junctions to increase capacity and improve priority for buses
  • Part-widening of the St Budeaux By-pass to increase the merge length
  • New and improved pedestrian and cycle infrastructure including high-quality segregated pedestrian and cycleways along the St. Budeaux Bypass and Embankment Road at Blagdons Meadow, a new cycle ramp to improve links to the existing cycle network near Gdynia Way, and crossing points at the Marsh Mills, Camel’s Head and Carlton Terrace/Ferndale Road junctions
  • Removal of the redundant low rail bridge on A374 Embankment Road (Seagull Bridge) to allow the larger double deck HGVs to use the route
  • Flood protection works at Arnold’s Point on Embankment Road from the existing flood defence works to Embankment Lane
  • Carriageway reconstruction and renewal works of targeted sections of the MRN

Scheme Development and Funding

The Government approved our Strategic Outline Business Case (SOBC) for the proposed improvements to the MRN in September 2019 and approved the  Outline Business Case (OBC)  in April 2024. Work is now progressing to draw up detailed designs of the potential improvements to the route, needed for the final bid (Final Business Case) to the DfT to secure the funding for construction.

Should all parts of the scheme go ahead, the total cost would be in the region of £50 million, with the DfT funding around £42.5m, and the rest met by the Council and developer contributions.

It is anticipated that staggered construction on the scheme will begin in Summer 2026 and end in Summer 2027.


A consultation was carried out between 24 February 2021 and 24 March 2021. Approximately 9,500 letters were sent to residents and local businesses inviting them to take part in the consultation. Major stakeholders were contacted and a newsletter was sent to 8,010 previous Joint Local Plan consultees. A press release was issued and a story run in the local media. Plymouth City Council’s social media channels were also utilised to inform residents of the consultation. Due to the pandemic Plymouth City Council were unable to hold face to face events and the consultation was hosted online. 

Further consultation is planned in 2025 and details will be provided once the details and dates have been confirmed.