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Publicity for planning applications

Code of Practice

This code of practice sets out the way we publicise planning applications. 

The purpose of publicity for planning, listed building and other consents is to:

  • make you aware of developments that may affect you
  • make sure that we consider any views you have 
  • make sure we deal with applications in a prompt and efficient manner

The code applies the statutory requirements for publicity as set out in Article 15 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015 to all planning applications and Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) development.

Application typePublicityLength of publicity 

Development where application:

  • is accompanied by an environmental statement
  • is a departure from the Development Plan
  • Affects a public right of way to which Part 3 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 applies
  • Advertisement in newspaper
  • Listed on our website
  • At least one site notice
  • Additional site notices wherever appropriate and practicable 

21 days from date of publication or placing of notice, this is increased to 30 days for EIA applications under the 2017 regulations. EIA application covered under the transitional regulation will remain at 21 days as prescribed by the 2011 Regulations.

Major development definition:

  • 10 or more dwellings
  • Creation of 1,000 square metres or more floor space or the site exceeds 1 hectare
  • Mineral working or use of land for mineral working deposits
  • All waste-related developments, including waste treatment, storage and transfer as well as tipping.
  • Advertisement in newspaper
  • Listed on our website
  • At least one site notice
  • Additional site notices wherever appropriate and practicable
21 days from date of publication or placing of notice.
All other planning applications for "Minor" and "Other" developments
  • Listed on our website
  • At least one site notice
  • Additional site notices wherever appropriate and practicable
21 days from date of publication or placing of notice.
Permission in principle
  • Listed on our website
  • At least one site notice
  • Additional site notices wherever appropriate and practicable
14 days from date of publication or placing of notice
Application related to a Tree Preservation Order
  • Listed on our website
  • At least one site notice if we consider that there is significant public interest
21 days from date of publication or placing of notice.
Applications for development which would affect the setting of a listed building, or affect the character or appearance of a conservation area
  • Advertisement in newspaper
  • listed on our website
  • At least one site notice
  • Additional site notices wherever appropriate and practicable
21 days from date of publication or placing of notice.
Applications for listed building consent where works to the exterior of the building are proposed
  • Advertisement in newspaper
  • listed on our website
  • At least one site notice
  • Additional site notices wherever appropriate and practicable.
21 days from date of publication or placing of notice.

Applications to vary or discharge conditions attached to a listed building consent or involving exterior works to a listed building

Applications to vary or discharge conditions attached to a listed building consent or involving exterior works to a listed building

21 days from date of publication or placing of notice

Permitted development requiring prior notification to the Planning Authority

At least 1 site notice posted by the developer

28 days determination period from the date on which the local planning authority gave notice to the applicant that prior approval of the development was required and 14 days from posting of the site notice.

Lawful Development CertificateListed on our websiteNone
Advertisement consentListed on our website


Larger Householder Extensions

Reference should be made to The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 on guidance for publicity


Neighbour notification

Neighbours will only be told about a planning application by letter if: 

  • the case officer considers it is likely neighbours will have difficulty seeing the notice due to the individual characteristics of the site
  • there is no easily accessible location where the site notice can be placed

It is assumed that neighbours will read the site notice.

Receive notifications about new applications

Visit our Search and comment on a planning application page.

Weekly list

The weekly list is published on our website and a link is emailed to anyone who wishes to receive notification of all or part of the weekly list. This list outlines all planning applications validated during the previous week. 

Any individual or organisation can be added to this list by contacting us. 

Site notices

The site notice will outline the details of the application (as specified in the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015 and where relevant the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017).

We will display notices in a prominent position which is accessible to the public. At least one site notice will be displayed where appropriate (as listed above). Officers may seek the advice of local Councillors and/or community groups when appropriate and practicable. This is to ensure site notices are in locations that local residents are most likely to see them. Notices will also be in an easy to read/understand format. 

We will always try to ensure the site notice is protected by securely fastening it and protecting it from bad weather. If we have been told that the notice has been removed, obscured or defaced before the statutory consultation period has passed we will provide a replacement as soon as possible.

When required, planning and listed building applications need to be advertised in a newspaper. This will be the most relevant local paper. 

Site notice displayed by the developer

Some developments permitted by the General Permitted Development Order are subject to conditions requiring the developer to publicise the proposal by means of a site notice. For example notice of demolition. We will advise on the form of the notice and we will need to be satisfied that the notice has been appropriately displayed.

Publicity for Planning Committee items

Some planning applications are referred to the Planning Committee for a decision. If we have received a representation from you about a planning application that is being referred to Planning Committee, you will receive an email notifying the date, time and venue of the meeting, plus a web link with other relevant information (for example opportunities to speak at Planning Committee). 

Find out more about Planning Committees

Making a representation of a planning application

If you wish to make representations (comments), create an account on our Public Access System. Here you can comment on any application and use your account for other planning applications.  

To ensure that a representation is taken into account, it should be received during the advertised publicity period.

Re-notification on amendments to planning applications currently under consideration, amendments to approved schemes, submission of details and schemes to comply with and / or discharge of conditions

Publicity for amendments and proposals of this nature is optional and the statutory requirements do not apply. We will decide whether and how to give publicity taking into account if:

1. Objections or reservations were raised at an early stage, whether they were substantial and in our view, relevant to the amendments being sought

2. The proposed changes would, in our opinion, have a significant impact when compared to the original proposals

3. We consider that parties not previously notified might be affected. The publicity will be the same as for the original application and will normally be for 14 days from posting of the site notice or date of the notification letter but these timescales may vary depending on the individual circumstances of the application.

4. For EIA applications where further environmental information is received, consultation will be undertaken in accordance with the regulations which accord with the standard consultation requirements for that application type.

When a re-notification takes place the site notice will be on different coloured paper to differentiate it from the original site notice.

Notification of decisions

We will normally only inform the applicant of the decision, except for EIA development where a press advert will also be used. However, if an interested party specifically wants to be informed when a decision is made, they can do so by contacting us at They will then be sent an email notification directing them to the decision on the website. If you have an account on our Public Access pages then you will automatically be informed of the planning applications outcome.

View a decision notice on our Public Access system