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Search and comment on a planning application

You can use the online Public Access System to search, view and comment on current planning applications, supporting plans and documents.

Search and comment on a planning application (opens new tab)

By law, you can download (paper or electronic) plans and documents relating to planning applications. This is covered by Section 47 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. However, you cannot copy the documents for personal use without the permission of the copyright owner. The copyright owner is the person that drew the plans or the author of the document.

What is included in the planning register?

The planning register is a list of planning applications. These applications are stored in our Public Access system. 

Some archived planning applications are available on the Public Access system. The information in this system goes back to 1974. We cannot guarantee you will find a full planning history on our system. If you would like a 'bespoke' planning history, contact Land Charges by email [email protected].

Applications that are withdrawn or invalid will not be available to view online. 

You can request email notifications for applications you are interested in. To do this create an account (register) on our Public Access System and save the areas you want notifications about. Public Access will then send you an email alert about relevant applications and the progress of the application.

Plans and associated documents relating to planning applications can be viewed on the online planning register (Public Access) using the documents tab.

Commenting on a planning application

You can comment to support or object most planning applications that are open for consultation. Some applications in the Public Access System may not allow you to comment because:

  • the consultation period has ended or
  • the comment is not subject to the 21 days consultation period. These applications can be identified by one of the following codes at the end of the application number: PRDE, PRUS, EXDE, EXUS, MJR, MOR & HHR 
  • it is a pre-planning application. This means the customer is asking for planning advice or views before they may or may not submit a formal planning application. These applications can be identified by one of the following codes at the end of the application number: MJR, MOR or HHR 

More information about Public comments.

If you create an online account using Public Access your details such as your address and email are stored. We cannot accept confidential or anonymous comments. Comments are published online for everyone to view

We will note all comments and make them available online within five workings days. This will include your name and comments. Please do not include any other personal information in your comments.

We cannot discuss with you on an individual basis any planning application. However, you can track the progress of the planning application on the Public Access system.

How to comment online

To comment on planning applications using the online Public Access system you must register and create an online account. If you don't register you will only be able to view applications. We will make appropriate checks to ensure online accounts and comments are authentic. Any accounts or comments found to be fraudulent will be removed.

Do not put in personal comments about yourself or others, these will be redacted. Comments must not be offensive, inflammatory or libellous, if they are, we will remove them. When you comment, your name, and comments are available for everyone to read online.

Planning application quick user guide

The planning officer has full access to all of your original comments as well as those that have been redacted and are online in Public Access.

The Public Access System will time out after 30 minutes of inactive use.  You will need to log back in to use the system again. It may be easier to write your comments before you use the system. You can then copy and paste them into the comments box when you log in.

Other ways to comment

You can write to us at:

Plymouth City Council
Ballard House
West Hoe Road

We will delete personal details such as telephone numbers, signature and email addresses. Your name and comments will be shown publically online to authenticate the comments are genuine. To avoid any delays please create an account in our Public Access System. Emails and posted comments take longer to process. 

View the weekly list

You can use our online planning system to view our weekly list of planning decisions. These include:

View the weekly list of planning decisions (opens new tab)