The Local Development Framework has to be soundly based on a robust, credible evidence base. It will be this question of 'soundness' which will be central to its examination by an independent inspector.
In preparing Plymouth's development framework there are a number of studies that have been undertaken that provide the evidence base.
The documents below have been used to inform the production of the Local Development Framework:
Central Park Evening Herald articles
Central Park Life Centre Business Case
Central Park Site, Peverell Park Road/Outland Road Corner Valuation Report
Central Park Site, Pennycomequick Valuation Report
Charter for Countryside and Seas around Plymouth
City Centre Transport Strategy
Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment letter
Community Health Facilities and Services Report
DEFRA Environmental and Health Effects of Waste Management Review
DEFRA Extended Summary of Health Impacts Review
Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan Delivery Framework
Derriford and Seaton District Centre Delivery Study
Derriford and Seaton Masterplan Framework Report
Derriford and Seaton Proposed New District Shopping Centre Report
Derriford Area Travel Planning
Derriford Community Park Delivery Study
Derriford Community Park Masterplan
Derriford Development Framework Evidence Report
Destination Central Park Strategic Development Brief
Detailed Assessment of Air Quality in Plymouth
Devonport Characterisation Study
Devonport Community Safety Strategy
Devonport Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Proposals
Devonport Development Framework
Devonport Housing Redevelopment Implementation Plan
Devonport Lifelong Learning Strategy
Devonport Park Conservation Plan
Economic Appraisal of Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document
Feasibility Study for an Energy Service Company in Plymouth
Final Evaluation of Single Regeneration Budget 2 Scheme
Future Waste Requirements to 2026 and Beyond
Historic parks and gardens factsheet
Habitat Survey of Central Park
Gypsy and Traveller Site Assessments
Gypsy and Traveller Sites Study
Housing Requirement for Plymouth Assessment
Listed building and scheduled ancient monuments factsheet
Milehouse Junction Traffic Modelling Study
Millbay Docks proposed demolitions
Millbay Health Impact Assessment Report
Millbay Regeneration New Plymouth Arena images
Municipal Waste Management Strategy
New secondary school at Stonehouse Creek Feasibility Study
Notes of meeting between Millbay Partners
Onsite renewables guidance note (Policy CS20)
Pavilions Arena Sketch Design Study
Planning Officer's Report Royal William Yard
Plymouth and South Hams Housing Needs Study
Plymouth Arena Situation Report
Plymouth City Centre and Derriford Sustainable Energy Study
Plymouth City Centre Future Direction Investment and Development Strategy
Plymouth College of Art and Design Framework
Plymouth District and Local Centres Study
Plymouth District Energy Study update addendum
Plymouth Draft Tall Buildings Strategy
Plymouth Eastern Corridor Urban Fringe Study
Plymouth Eastern Gateway Vision
Plymouth Employment Land Review
Plymouth Green Infrastructure Delivery Plan
Plymouth Housing Market and Needs Assessment
Plymouth Infrastructure Needs Assessment
Plymouth Palmerston Forts Study
Plymouth Properties Viability Report
Plymouth Rapid Urban Characterisation Study
Plymouth Renewable Energy Strategic Viability Study
Plymouth Retail and Centres Study
Plymouth's Eastern Corridor Transport Study
Plymouth Sound and Estuaries Coastal Planning Study
Plymouth Strategic High Quality Public Transport Network Report
Plymouth Sustainable Growth Distribution Study
Plymouth Sustainable Growth Study
Plymouth Swimming Facilities Strategy
Port of Plymouth Evidence Base Study
Principles of repair for historic buildings
Proposed health-related developments in Devonport
Prospects for Plymouth's Priority Economic Sectors Report
Revised Regional Spatial Strategy for the South West (draft)
Revised Western Approach Union Street Junction Plan
Scheduled ancient monuments factsheet
Search for Potential Waste Sites
Sites protected for nature conservation
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment
Stonehouse/Millbay Character Study
Storage Enclave Officer's Report
Strategic Infrastructure Study
Student Housing in Local Communities Report
Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessments
Sutton Community Planning Study
Sutton Harbour Area Action Plan: Strategic Environmental Assessment/Sustainability Appraisal
Sutton Harbour East Interim Planning Statement
Technical note: Chelson Meadow
Technical note: Moorcroft Quarry
Waste Management Site Feasibility Study (draft)
Waste Development Plan Document: Equality Impact Assessment
Planning and Urban Design Brief for the Harwell Street area of Stonehouse
Tamar Estuaries Management Plan
Tamar Estuaries Consultative Forum
Building a Greener Future: Towards Zero Carbon Development
Communities and Local Government
Cost multipliers
Teachernet, Department for Education and Skills
Employment densities guide
South West Regional Waste Strategy
South West Regional Assembly
Sport facilities calculator
Sport England
The following documents also form part of the evidence base but are too large to put onto our website. If you'd like a copy of one of these files on CD please email
- Boulevard Studies
- British Geological Survey
- Central Park and Historic Landscape Study
- Characterisation Study Maps to accompany the Devonport Characterisation Study
- City Centre Precinct Urban Design Framework
- Derriford and Southway Area Planning Framework
- Derriford Sustainable Urban Growth Study (Llewelyn Davies 2004)
- Devonport Retail Study (GVA Grimley)
- Devonport Urban Village Final Report
- Devonport's Peoples' Dreams
- Draft Hoe Development Framework
- Draft Plymouth Economic Vision and Strategy
- Greenscape Assessment
- Millbay Action Plan
- Millbay Area Regeneration Strategy
- Moon Street and Environs Planning and Urban Design Brief
- New Deal for Communities Initiative
- Plymouth Area Transport Strategy
- Plymouth Barbican and Sutton Harbour Action Plan
- Plymouth City Growth Strategy
- Plymouth Community Safety Strategy
- Plymouth Design Study
- Plymouth East End Regeneration Strategy and Masterplan
- Plymouth Local Shopping Needs Study
- Plymouth Sound and Estuaries Water Transport Study
- South Yard
- Stonehouse and Millbay Characterisation Study
- Stonehouse and West Hoe Study
- Stonehouse Area Plan
- Response of the Local Education Authority to the Devonport and Millbay and Stonehouse Area Action Plans
- Towards a Safer City
- University of Plymouth Strategic Development Framework
- Urban Capacity Study
- Victorian and Edwardian Schools Study