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Publication scheme

Publication schemes are designed to make more information available so you don't have to make a formal request under the Freedom of Information Act.

Who we are and what we do

Council Constitution

What we spend and how we spend it

Payments over £500


January spend over £500

January spend over £500

February spend over £500

February spend over £500

March spend over £500

March spend over £500

April spend over £500

April spend over £500

May spend over £500

May spend over £500

June spend over £500

June spend over £500

July spend over £500

July spend over £500

August spend over £500

August spend over £500

September spend over £500

September spend over £500

October spend over £500

October spend over £500

November spend over £500

December spend over £500

Salaries over £50,000

Statement of Accounts - Officers' Renumeration

Government Procurement Card (GPC) transactions

Parking services accounts

Lists and registers

Our priorites

Corporate Plan

How we make decisions

Councillors, committees and meetings

Corporate contracts

Information is available on our Corporate Contracts - Information page.

ICT contracts

All Council IT contracts are managed by Delt, please visit the Delt Shared Services website to access the register.