Our vision for Devonport is the re-creation of Devonport as a distinctive place in modern Plymouth.
This Area Action Plan sets out land use policies and proposals to promote Devonport as a thriving neighbourhood within Plymouth with compact, mixed use development bringing vitality back to the heart of the community. Investment in housing, employment, health, education, recreation and retail will all contribute to improving the quality of life in this area.
Vision diagram
The Devonport Area Action Plan was adopted by Full Council on 6 August 2007.
The Devonport Area Action Plan was adopted by Full Council on 6 August 2007.
The Devonport Area Action Plan has been submitted to the Secretary of State. The public examination took place on 30 May 2007.
The public examination
The examination was held on 30 May 2007 and was based on the matters identified by the inspector as set out below; each link will take you to the additional documents and related material for the matters discussed.
Matters discussed at the public examination:
- Whether proposals DP01 and DP06 are the most appropriate in all the circumstances
- Whether policies MS07 and MS03 are the most appropriate in all the circumstances
The Devonport Area Action Plan preferred options was produced as part of the second stage of preparing Plymouth's Local Development Framework (LDF). It built on the earlier issues and options consultation stage (Spring 2005).
The preferred options report sets out for consultation the proposed policy directions, and highlights alternatives where appropriate. The report will be a material consideration in the development control process.
Where there's a conflict between the preferred policy direction set out in this report and the provisions of Plymouth's First Deposit Local Plan, this report will take precedence.
There's also a sustainability appraisal which accompanies this document.
This document has been produced as a part of the first stage in preparing Plymouth's new Local Development Framework (LDF) and is accompanied by a preliminary Sustainability Appraisal.