Our vision for Derriford and Seaton, as defined by the Core Strategy, is to create a sustainable mixed-use new urban centre at the heart of the north of Plymouth.
This Area Action Plan will set out land use policies and proposals to create a new centre for northern Plymouth at Derriford. We aim to deliver a diverse mix of commercial and community uses; secure prosperity by developing key employment sites; provide a range of quality homes; create a new district shopping centre; improve transport connections; create a strong urban form with a high quality environment; enable public access to and enjoyment of natural green spaces; making Derriford the city's northern 'gateway'.
Vision diagram
Where we are
The Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan and supporting evidence base was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate on 21 December 2012 and can be viewed on our submitted page.
The Secretary of State appointed Andrew Seaman BA (HONS) MA MRTPI as the Inspector to conduct the examination into the compliance and soundness of the Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan. The examination hearing sessions were held from 10am on Thursday 21 March to Thursday 28 March 2013 at Jurys Inn, Exeter Street, Plymouth, PL4 0AZ.
Inspector's report
Inspector's preliminary main concerns
Hearing Information
Hearing statements
Plymouth City Council
Inspector's procedural letters
Programme Officer
All examination queries and correspondence should be addressed to the Programme Officer, Robert Young, who is independent of the Council and reports directly to the Inspector: c/o Floor 8, Civic Centre, Armada Way, Plymouth, PL1 2AA. Telephone 07706 729 918 or email robert.young@plymouth.gov.uk.
Information about compliance and soundness and the examination process in general can be downloaded from the Planning Portal website. Also available from the planning portal is a brief guide and procedure guidance to examining development plan documents.
Examination documents
The Council has prepared a comprehensive list of documents that form the examination library. The library contains all the submission documents but also includes national and regional planning policy and guidance, evidence documents, and other documents which the Council has had regard to in preparing the Area Action Plan or that the parties are likely to refer to in the examination.
Documents will be added to this list during the course of the examination, and electronic links have been provided to the documents wherever practicable.
The evidence base and other background documents used in the preparation of the Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan are also available to view in the evidence section.
Council's proposed modifications to the submitted plan
This schedule sets out the amendments which are proposed to be made to the submitted Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan as a result of discussions leading up to and at the examination hearings. This schedule was sent to the Inspector on 3 April 2013. The Inspector's report, once issued, will set out whether or not these amendments are appropriate and should be taken forward to an adopted Area Action Plan. This isn't a consultation. Should, in due course, main modifications be required to the plan to ensure soundness then further formal consultation may be required.
Area Action Plan chapters showing proposed amendments
The documents below show the amendments set out in the schedule of proposed amendments as tracked changes to each chapter of the Submitted Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan. Chapters which aren't included below don't have any amendments proposed.
As part of Plymouth's Local Development Framework (LDF), Plymouth City Council submitted the Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan to the Secretary of State on 21 December 2012.
This followed a six week consultation period on the revised pre-submission draft AAP (which took place between 9 July and 20 August 2012) and a further six week consultation period on an alternative development site proposal (put forward by Sutton Harbour Holdings) and an addendum to the Area Action Plan's sustainability appraisal (which took place between 26 October and 7 December 2012). The Area Action Plan will now be subject to a public examination by an independent Planning Inspector.
Copies of all the representations made during these consultation stages have been sent to the Planning Inspectorate and can be viewed on the consultation portal.
The Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan (submission version), together with the sustainability appraisal, the Regulation 22 consultation statement, all representations and supporting documents may be viewed during normal office hours at the Civic Centre, Royal Parade, Plymouth. You are advised to telephone 01752 304243 in advance, in order to ensure that all documents are ready for your viewing on arrival. In addition, a copy of the Area Action Plan (submission version), the sustainability appraisal and the Regulation 22 consultation statement can be viewed at the Council's offices at Windsor House.
Alternatively, all of the documents can be viewed below:
Regulation 22 statement
You may also like to view the Regulation 22 statement below (along with appendices A to E), which has been prepared as a supporting document to the Area Action Plan and to comply with the requirements of Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2012. It details how we've dealt with consultations, how representations have been sought and how representations have been received and addressed in preparing the Area Action Plan.
Evidence base
The evidence base and other background documents used in the preparation of the Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan are available to view in the evidence section.
Documents published since the revised pre-submission draft Area Action Plan can be downloaded below:
Timetable for producing the Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan
- Issues/options Core Strategy area vision consultation: Completed 7 March to 18 April 2005
- Issues and preferred options consultation: Completed 6 February to 23 March 2009
- Superseded pre-submission consultation: Completed 16 February to 30 March 2011
- Revised pre-submission consultation: Completed 9 July to 20 August 2012
- Consultation on alternative site proposals put forward for the Plymouth Airport site with accompanying Sustainability Appraisal and on addendum to the Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan SA/SEA: Completed 26 October to 7 December 2012
- Submission: Completed 21 December 2012
- Examination date: March 2013
- Inspector's report: August 2013
For up to date information on the preparation of the Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan, please view the submitted section below.
The superseded pre-submission Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan consultation was held from Wednesday 16 February to Wednesday 30 March 2011. Information was displayed within the libraries across the city and permanent exhibitions were available at the Civic Centre, Windsor House and also at the George park and ride, Tavistock Road. There were also consultation events where people were able to speak to officers, read the document and make comments.
A leaflet was produced, alongside the superseded pre-submission Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan, which highlighted some of the main changes that had been made to the plan since the previous consultation in February 2009. This leaflet can be viewed below, alongside the superseded pre-submission Area Action Plan, the sustainability appraisal, the statement of representation and the Regulation 27 statement.
A Regulation 27 statement details the consultation which took place prior to the consultation on the pre-submission Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan.
What happens next?
The Council has considered all of the comments received during the superseded pre-submission consultation and a report which summarises these comments can be viewed below. You can view the superseded pre-submission Area Action Plan and the comments that were made in full on the Council's consultation portal.
During the superseded pre-submission consultation a number of helpful comments were received that have improved the plan and questions were raised by stakeholders which required the preparation of further evidence base studies to inform the Area Action Plan. These evidence base documents can be viewed alongside the timetable for preparing the Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan on the revised pre-submission section below.
Evidence base
The superseded pre-submission Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan was informed by a number of supporting documents which are available for you to view below:
Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan: Issues and preferred options
Draft Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan Delivery Framework
Derriford Community Park Delivery Study
Derriford Development Framework
Feasibility Study for an Energy Services Company (ESCO) in Plymouth
Plymouth City and Derriford Sustainable Energy Study
Derriford and Seaton Proposed New District Shopping Centre
Report on Proposed New District Shopping Centre
Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan Report on Proposed New District Shopping Centre
The revised pre-submission consultation took place between 9 July and 20 August 2012. The comments received during this consultation can be viewed on the consultation portal. The revised pre-submission Area Action Plan and a summary of the representations received can be viewed below:
During the revised pre-submission Area Action Plan consultation, the Local Planning Authority received representations identifying the land at Plymouth Airport as an alternative development site to the Local Planning Authority. The Council consulted on these representations between 26 October and December 2012, in accordance with advice from the Planning Inspectorate. At this time, the Council also took the opportunity to publish and consult upon a sustainability appraisal addendum report. This report supports the revised pre-submission Area Action Plan and describes the reasonable alternatives that have been appraised during the Area Action Plan process that have informed the preparation of this development plan document.
The report was published to 'tell the story' of how the preferred approach has been reached and to provide an opportunity for those with an interest in the Area Action Plan to make their views known on the appraisal of these alternatives prior to finalisation of the plan and its formal submission for independent public examination. The Council have now registered all of the representations received during these consultations and submitted them, alongside the Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan, to the Secretary of State on 21 December 2012 for an independent examination. For the latest information on the Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan, view the submitted section.
Sutton Harbour Holdings PLC masterplan for airport land
An alternative development site, proposed by Sutton Harbour Holdings PLC, was subject to a six week consultation between 26 October and 7 December 2012 and all comments made can be viewed on the consultation portal.
Plymouth City Council sustainability appraisal
This addendum to the sustainability appraisal provides information about how decisions have been taken and matters considered as part of creating the Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan. This document was also subject to a six week consultation between 26 October and 7 December 2012 and all comments made can be viewed on the consultation portal.
Previous consultations
The process of producing the Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan started in 2005 and since then there have been many consultations and ongoing discussions to develop the plan with local people, interested organisations and developers. These consultations are documented in the regulation statement below:
Evidence base
In addition to the evidence base documents which informed previous versions of the Area Action Plan, a number of additional supporting documents have been prepared to inform the revised pre-submission Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan and these are available below:
Gypsy and Traveller Site Assessment
Derriford Area Travel Planning
Plymouth City Airport Economic Study into Air Services for Plymouth
Plymouth Palmerston Forts Study
Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan Delivery Framework
Prospects for Plymouth's Priority Economic Sectors
Housing Requirement for Plymouth Assessment
Plymouth Retail and Centres Study
Derriford Community Park Masterplan
Update Addendum to City of Plymouth District Energy Study
A full list of the evidence base and background documents for the Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan can be downloaded below:
Budshead Community Planning Study
Eggbuckland Community Planning Study
Estover Community Planning Study
Honicknowle Community Planning Study
Plymouth Sustainable Growth Study
Plymouth Airport Interim Planning Statement
Plymouth Rapid Urban Characterisation Study
Sustainable Growth Distribution Study
Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessment: Southway
Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessment: Derriford
Plymouth Housing Market and Needs Assessment
Plymouth Strategic High Quality Public Transport Network
Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessment: Derriford
Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessment: Crownhill
Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessment: Estover
Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessment: Glenholt
Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessment: Leigham and Mainstone
Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessment: Manadon
Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessment: Eggbuckland
Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessment: Whitleigh
Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessment: Widewell
Plymouth Swimming Facilities Strategy
Plymouth Playing Pitch Strategy
Sustainable Communities Strategy
Proposed New District Shopping Centre Report
Plymouth Renewable Energy Strategic Viability Study
North Plymouth Community Park Feasibility Study
Draft Revised Regional Spatial Strategy for the South West
Derriford Development Framework Evidence Report
Derriford Community Park Delivery Study
Plymouth City Centre and Derriford Sustainable Energy Study
Derriford Area Travel Planning
Report on Proposed New District Shopping Centre
Gypsy and Traveller Sites Assessment
Feasibility Study for and Energy Services Company (ESCO) in Plymouth
Report on Proposed New District Shopping Centre
Local Transport Plan and Implementation Plan
Plymouth Palmerston Forts Study
Plymouth City Airport Economic Study into Air Services for Plymouth
Plymouth City Council Cabinet Report, Item 39, 23 August 2011
Derriford Community Park Masterplan
Prospects for Plymouth's Priority Economic Sectors Report
Housing Requirement for Plymouth Assessment
Plymouth Retail and Centres Study
Update Addendum to Plymouth District Energy Study
Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule
Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan Delivery Framework
Plymouth Employment Land Review
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment
The following documents are too large to put onto our website. If you require a CD version of any of these documents please contact us.
- Derriford and Southway Area Planning Framework
- Derriford Transport Model and Evidence Base
Local Development Framework documents
Local Development Scheme (2005)
Local Development Scheme (2006)
Local Development Scheme (2007)
Local Development Scheme (2008)
Local Development Scheme (2009)
Local Development Scheme (2010)
Local Development Scheme (2011)
Local Development Scheme (2012)
Statement of Community Involvement
Supplementary planning documents
Area Action Plans
City Centre and University Area Action Plan: Adopted
Adopted Core Strategy
Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan: Issues and options
Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan: Issues and options
Issues and options, consultation summary report
SA/SEA: Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan
Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan: Issues and preferred options
Issues and preferred options, consultation summary report
SA/SEA: Derriford/Seaton Area Action Plan, issues and preferred options
Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan: Superseded pre-submission
Summary report of the superseded pre-submission Area Action Plan consultation
Derriford and Seaton superseded pre-submission Area Action Plan Sustainability Appraisal
Equality Impact Assessment: Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan, superseded pre-submission
Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan: Revised pre-submission
Summary report of the revised pre-submission Area Action Plan consultation
Derriford and Seaton revised pre-submission Area Action Plan Sustainability Appraisal
Equality Impact Assessment: Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan, revised pre-submission
Alternative site proposal consultation
Derriford and Seaton Major District Centre Former Airport Site Sustainability Appraisal
Summary report of alternative site proposal consultation
Sustainability Appraisal addendum report
Summary report of Sustainability Appraisal addendum report consultation
Additional documents
Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan Sustainability Appraisal, submission
Habitat Regulations Assessment
Post submission documents
We produced the Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan issues and preferred options consultation document as part of Plymouth's Local Development Framework (LDF). It builds on the earlier issues and options consultation stage (spring 2005).
As part of the issues and preferred options stage we held a six week consultation from 6 February until 23 March 2009. We've produced a summary report of all the comments made during the consultation period which can be downloaded below.
Evidence base
In preparing Plymouth's development framework there are a number of studies that have been undertaken that provide the Local Development Framework evidence base. The following documents form the evidence base for the Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan:
Plymouth Playing Pitch Strategy
Plymouth Housing Market and Needs Assessment
Plymouth Renewable Energy Strategic Viability Study
Plymouth Rapid Urban Characterisation Study
Plymouth Strategic High Quality Public Transport Network
Derriford, Seaton and Southway Area Action Plan: Issues and options
Sustainability Appraisal/Strategic Environmental Assessment: Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan
Issues and options responses to Derriford, Seaton and Southway Area Action Plan
City Centre and University Area Action Plan: Issues and preferred options
Derriford Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessment
Southway Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessment
Widewell Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessment
Glenholt Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessment
Estover Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessment
Leigham and Mainstone Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessment
Eggbuckland Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessment
Crownhill Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessment
Manadon Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessment
Whitleigh Sustainable Neighbourhood Assessment
Sustainable Communities Strategy
Plymouth Airport Interim Planning Statement 16
South West Regional Spatial Strategy
North Plymouth Community Park Feasibility Study
Plymouth Area Transport Strategy
Plymouth Swimming Facilities Strategy
Derriford Development Framework Evidence Report
Derriford and Seaton Proposed New District Shopping Centre Report
Budshead Community Planning Study
Eggbuckland Community Planning Study
Estover Community Planning Study
Honicknowle Community Planning Study
Draft Revised Regional Spatial Strategy for the South West (incorporating the Secretary of State's proposed changes for public consultation July 2008)
The following documents also form part of the evidence base but are too large to put onto our website. If you require a CD version of any of these documents please contact us using the contact details on this web page.
- Derriford Sustainable Urban Growth Study (Llewelyn Davies 2003)
- Derriford and Southway Area Planning Framework (Llewelyn Davies 2005)
- Urban Capacity Study
This document was produced as a part of the first stage in preparing Plymouth's Local Development Framework (LDF) and is accompanied by a preliminary Sustainability Appraisal.
Regulation 27 sets out the rules we have to follow in our Local Development Framework consultations. Below are details of the Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan consultation.